Concrete5 Community Store add product options to orders list

Hi all,

Thank you in advance to anyone that can offer some pointers here... I am using Concrete5 Community Store and have setup some product options, I was hoping to get one or two of these product options to appear in the orders list along with customer name, order date etc.

I have found the area to edit (single_pages/dashboard/store/orders.php):
<?php if (!empty($orderList)) { ?>
    <table class="ccm-search-results-table">
                <th><a><?= t("Order %s","#")?></a></th>
                <th><a><?= t("Customer Name")?></a></th>
                <th><a><?= t("Order Date")?></a></th>
                <th><a><?= t("Total")?></a></th>
                <th><a><?= t("Payment")?></a></th>
                <th><a><?= t("Fulfilment")?></a></th>
                <th><a><?= t("View")?></a></th>

And also where the product options come from when shown in the indepth order page (single_pages/dashboard/store/orders.php):

                $items = $order->getOrderItems();
                    foreach($items as $item){
                    <td><?= $item->getProductName()?>
                    <?php if ($sku = $item->getSKU()) {
                    echo '(' .  $sku . ')';
                     } ?>
                            $options = $item->getProductOptions();

Any help would be greatly appreciated on this situation.
