Concrete5 content block with html5 elements

Curious does concrete5 remove html5 elements that are used within the content block? Keep adding an article element and it gets removed everytime I save, I change it to a div and it works?

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I think that's due to the TinyMCE plugin (which C5 uses for the Content block's WYSIWYG editor). A little googling around showed some examples of how to configure TinyMCE to allow additional elements, for example:

What I don't know is where you'd put this to make it work for Concrete5 -- maybe in Dashboard -> Sitewide Settings, click the "Custom" option under "Rich Text Editor"? Or maybe there's a file in concrete/elements/ or in concrete/blocks/content/ ?

Also I know they updated TinyMCE with the new Concrete5.4.2 -- if you're still running on, it might be fixed with that new version (but I don't know for sure).

Wish I had a more complete answer -- hopefully someone else can chime in with the second half of instructions :)