Concrete5 database - foreign keys

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I'm just looking at the concrete5 database. There are no foreign keys! Concrete5 programmers - IS IT A JOKE??!!!! WHAT IS THIS?!

Adding new custom blocks is not working - i must delete records in the database manually and now I recognised that I have blocks in databse with not existent block type ID-s. What a mess.. Cannot remove invalid block because block types page is nod displaying..

Damn, it was a serious mistake to chose Concrete5 as a CMS for my project!

goutnet replied on at Permalink Reply
C5 core currently does not remove packages related table upon uninstall :

Now, you can actually do it by overloading the PackageController::uninstall method

About foreign keys + constraints, nothing prevents you from doing so in your blocks or even forking concrete5 on github and add that to the core (btw, the schema as I see it is already using innodb, so that’s already a start).

Honestly, adding strong constraints at that point in c5 core would prevent fast evolution (and I think, would cause more trouble than it would solve issues).

Having your own packages/sites using constraints is probably good enough :)