Concrete5 For Specialized Membership Portal

I'm in the process of building out a special membership portal and I don't know if Concrete5 would be a good option for what I have in mind. Here's what I'd like to do:

Develop a membership site that would give subscribers one of two levels of access. The first level would entitle users to access/download a fixed number of PDF/Word docs or videos during their monthly membership cycle. I realize a blogging platform like Wordpress can probably handle this, but it won't be possible the way I want it to work. Each member would be entitled to "x" downloads, but members will be allowed to choose from a menu of available downloads, which will always be more in number than the member has credits in their account.

The same is true of the second membership level. Really, the only difference between the two membership levels will be the number of downloads available in any given month. Users who have reached their limit would need to upgrade (if available) or purchase additional downloads on an a la carte basis.

Question: Is Concrete5 a good way of implementing what I have in mind, or should I look to a custom build and forget about trying to use a CMS for this kind of site?

Any advice would be welcomed and appreciated.



Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
What you are looking for is not related to the CMS as much as it is to available add-ons (or custom built ones).
I believe does a lot of what you are looking for "right out of the box".


( may also be helpful. I searched "subscriptions" in the marketplace to find these )