Concrete5 is too large on my server

Hi everyone

My concrete5 files on my server are too large... it is about 226.00 Mb for my website which is only composed of 15 pages and almost not pictures and large files

yesterday I did a server backup, and in my FTP client there were 17.500 files!!!

my question is:
which folders aren't useful? for example on my "update" folder I have 2 versions of Concrete5 =>5.4 and 5.5 (can I delete one?)

...other folders could be removed?

thanks !

olliephillips replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
The old versions yes. Also if you're backing up, your database backups are probably a factor they're be online. You can delete/archive off old backups.

Finally, Cache can grow quite large if you are using it. You might want to clear that periodically.

Hope that helps.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
yeah concrete5 without backups and caching stuff is closer to 30 megs, so still a lot of heft for some PHP scripts, but no where near what you're dealing with.