Concrete5 NetBeans tools


I created a repo and LinkedIn group for a project I have started. I was hoping to develop some NetBeans modules, with hopefully your (communities) help, that will assist in creating Concrete5 sites.

This would include stuff like, generating Single pages, setting controller and block properties from properties pages etc.

There is currently an empty repo, but I'm planning to move some of my code into it once I get it finished up.

This project is in it's very beginnings. The reason I'm talking about it now, is to gather some ideas and feedback for features people think are needed. Also, if you have made a handy tool, this might be a great way to share them.

The repo is at:

Any discussion or ideas you can send me a private message until I find a good central place for communicating.

Please remember, that this project isn't my job but I'm intending to allocate some spare time regularly for this.

Any and all help is biiig plus :)
