Concrete5 not logging or displaying errors
I am currently experiencing my file manager showing a blank white page, fairly certain I have a rogue php error in the core concrete5 files. I have "Display errors" turned on, I have php configured to log errors to the log file as well as display the errors. For some reason the php files within the "concrete" folder do not register php errors correctly. If I go into one of the models or controllers and purposely create a syntax error the only thing that happens is a blank white page when I try to access the page. No errors are being logged anywhere at all. If I do the same thing with a model or controller in the root controller or model folder the error is displayed on screen and the error is logged in my php error log as expected. Whats up with error handling in the concrete folder, am I missing something?
I have been testing this and found that if the instance is running on a server where php is configured to use FastCGI the errors are displayed as expected. However when using the apache error handler just a white screen, I get the same behavior on a Debian server and on my Mac.
I figured it out. The following rogue line found in one of our packages: