Concrete5 settings (Hostgator)
Hello everyone,
I'm a newbie here. This is my first time creating a website. I don't have a lot money to pay experts for my website. I'm making a simple website for my photography work. I installed concrete5 on my hostgator. Destination folder I already made my pages and everything but my issue is (silly one) I don't know how to link my homepage to server(the one I made with concrete5). In other words how I can make alive this project? I want when someone type, that person see my concrete website.
Thanks in advanced
I'm a newbie here. This is my first time creating a website. I don't have a lot money to pay experts for my website. I'm making a simple website for my photography work. I installed concrete5 on my hostgator. Destination folder I already made my pages and everything but my issue is (silly one) I don't know how to link my homepage to server(the one I made with concrete5). In other words how I can make alive this project? I want when someone type, that person see my concrete website.
Thanks in advanced
Thanks for a quick reply Rony, As I mentioned in my post that I'm a newbie and this is my first post ever here, I didn't know typing the website address is not a good idea. I think it's make a bad impression. As you said "pretty url" I think it's not in a good way. I will try to avoid it mate. Thanks again