Concrete5 Social Share with Instagram
I want to share the page on social media. But the 'Share this Page' block does not provide Instagram. I could not find any add-ons as well.
Can anybody please help me, how can I make use of Instagram in concrete5.
Thank You.
I want to share the page on social media. But the 'Share this Page' block does not provide Instagram. I could not find any add-ons as well.
Can anybody please help me, how can I make use of Instagram in concrete5.
Thank You.
Thank you for the response.
Is there any other way, where I can access instagram, instead of using Social Links.
Is there any other way, where I can access instagram, instead of using Social Links.
What do you mean with "access instagram", what are you trying to achieve exactly?
Sorry for not making it clear.
I want to upload/share the page link along with the image. I have done it for Facebook and g+.
So, what can I do to make it work with Instagram as well.
I want to upload/share the page link along with the image. I have done it for Facebook and g+.
So, what can I do to make it work with Instagram as well.
If you search "instagram" within the marketplace addons, there are some addons available that will allow you to display Instagram content.