Concrete5 TinyMCE editor replacement?

I've never been a fan of tinyMCE.. has anybody come across Bootstrap Live Editor?

VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
The next major version of C5 5.7 Tiny MCE is getting the elbow in favour of Redactor:
BG410 replied on at Permalink Reply
I see.. IMO, its ok.. but it isn't sexy :)

There are a number of things I like about that Bootstrap Live Editor, for one the implementation of styles, like it picking up your styles.. take a look at the styles it loads for when inserting images.

I'm still poking around with it..
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
It does look good, and it would sit pretty well in C5 as the backend now uses Bootstrap anyway. But I believe C5 have cut some kind of Licensing deal with Redactor, so wouldnt hold your breath :)

The demo of Redactor integrated into 5.7 looked pretty sweet: