Concrete5.5 and getThemePath Problem

Hello good C5 people!

I have have been porting my site to Concrete5.5 and in the process wanted to rename the theme directory from "MySite2011" to "MySite". Now I get the error:

Warning: include(interface/ssi/meta.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Users/alex/Desktop/programming/php/workspace/ on line 5

I have tried doing the following things:
* I uninstalled and reinstalled (and reactivated) the theme.
* I have cleared the sites cache files.
* Checked the "PageThemes" table to ensure that "ptHandle" is "MySite".
* Ensured that the directory name matches "ptHandle".

...but to no avail. Can someone tell me where else the theme path would be stored in the database? I thought it was simply using "ptHandle" but I'm apparently wrong.

Thanks for any help!


alexaalto replied on at Permalink Reply
Problem "solved". I'm not sure why but once I had restarted MAMP (on OSX) it loaded everything correctly. I'm a little puzzled why the server had to be restarted (can anyone explain this?) but at least it's fixed for now so I can get to more important things.

Many thanks to anyone who spent any time thinking about this!

