Conditional for an element in ProBlog add-on

So I'm using the ProBlog add-on and I have a question about separating the main blog page from the single post pages.

I want a custom ShareThis button to appear in a top area of the single post pages, but not on the main blog page with all the recent posts.

The problem is that both pages use the same template. There's a view.php template inside the ProBlog package but that seems to control only the inner content of the blog list.

Is there a conditional I could use to say echo this if you're on the main blog page, and echo this if you're on a single page?

Thanks in advance for any help!

mssteph replied on at Permalink Reply
Derp. Nevermind, got it.

For anyone else...

Main posts page is: packages/problog/blocks/problog_list/view.php

and single posts is: packages/problog/blocks/content/templates/blog_post/view.php

Sorry 'bout that.