Conditional Page Type Attributes


I have a page type some custom attributes added to it. But i'll use this page type for different pages. So when the user adds a new page and selects this page type, i want to change attribute listing depending on one attribute condition. For example, if the determining attribute name is sport type and the user selects basketball, from that time i don't want user to see the attributes related to football, or other sport types, i'll select them.

I know i can do it with creating the same page type with different names, and add attributes related to it. But i want to if there is a way to do it programatically so the user won't be confused with the page types?

memomem replied on at Permalink Reply
Is this so difficult with concrete5, just need to do it in add or edit page, there may be an add on for it maybe?
memomem replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, it's been 4 days but i couldn't find the answer on the net... It is just about adding a new page modification, when the user select property type for example "apartment", other attributes will change in the below of that selection. Is this only possible with a new block, but it's just a page type also it is important in search...