Config link to site_theme_paths.php broken

Just thought I'd ask where you're keeping this extra information.

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
What exactly is broken? Your site isn't picking up the site_theme_paths.php file? I don't think there is a link to it that you configure anywhere -- the system just always looks for it in the top-level "config" directory (NOT in "concrete/config").

If you have the site_theme_paths.php file in your top-level config directory, can you post the contents of it here to the forum? Perhaps there is an error in it that's causing it not to work?
walkermacy replied on at Permalink Reply
he means the link in the documentation for the Concrete directory structure is broken...the part under "/config" where it says:

"Additionally, this directory contains “site_theme_paths.php,” which allows a developer to manually specify certain themes for certain areas of a site. >>Click here<< for more information about site_theme_paths.php"

the "click here" link goes to a 404 page.

there's a number of places on that page alone where there should be a link (as indicated by text that says "click here" but there's no hyperlink) to more specific documentation about something.