config/site.php not there?
HI, I was looking at some optimization tips in this post:
And noticed this one:
4. Add following line to config/site.php
define('CACHE_FRONTEND_OPTIONS', serialize(array('automatic_cleaning_factor'; => 0)));
However, I don't have a site.php in my config folder. There's just one file in my config folder: site_theme_paths.php
Should I have a site.php - can I just add one with that single line?
And noticed this one:
4. Add following line to config/site.php
define('CACHE_FRONTEND_OPTIONS', serialize(array('automatic_cleaning_factor'; => 0)));
However, I don't have a site.php in my config folder. There's just one file in my config folder: site_theme_paths.php
Should I have a site.php - can I just add one with that single line?

you definitely should have a site.php. Is concrete5 installed?
Yeah, it is installed and working just fine - running I've never even looked in that folder so the site.php likely was never installed by c5 in the first place, and seemingly isn't needed since everything works.
So my question is - can I just create one and add that one line?
What's in a typical one?
So my question is - can I just create one and add that one line?
What's in a typical one?
OK - I feel dumb.
site.php was there all along. I use Dreamweaver to FTP and edit with and was looking in my local folder, and forgot to cross-check the server. Sometimes...
thanks and sorry for wasting anyones time.
site.php was there all along. I use Dreamweaver to FTP and edit with and was looking in my local folder, and forgot to cross-check the server. Sometimes...
thanks and sorry for wasting anyones time.
PS - Just thought I'd mention - adding that line about cache_frontend_options as per above gives me server errors... Not sure what it does but the server I'm on doesn't seem to like it.