Confirm Crippling Address Attribute Bug

I have two websites that are no longer able to add pages through the c5 interface. I wrote a bug report here:

Can anyone help me verify this is not just 'my' problem? It is really simple, and will have no lasting effects on your website.

Simply log in to your site, then click into the "Pages and Themes" page.

Then click over to the "attributes" tab, and select the "manage attribute types" link in the upper right hand corner.

At the bottom on the list, tick the "collection" checkbox for the address attribute. Then save.

No go back to the "Pages and Themes" page, and click to the "attributes" tab again.

Use the "add page attribute" box to add an attribute of type "address"

Choose any name and handle, as well as any options, then Add the attribute.

Now, once this is done, try to add a page to your website.. In my case, the sitemap add fails because you cannot select a page type, and the "add page" button fails because the window wont even load.

If you are able to add a page after adding the address attribute as noted, I would greatly appreciate it if you could respond with your version number.

If not, and you are unable to add any more pages, the fix is to simply go back to the attributes page and delete the address attribute you created.

Thanks for any help! I am having a hard time troubleshooting this because I receive no js errors, or other errors when I look with firebug.... I'm just glad I was able to narrow it down to this attribute!

guythomas replied on at Permalink Reply

I'm no longer able to replicate this bug on a separate website, so either the conditions are more complex than I originally thought, or the bug is not in the c5 system, but in my websites. I think I found the root of the problem with the sitemap add at least, which hopefully translates to the "Add Page" button problem as well.

After getting the address attribute to work on one of my websites I took a look and found the js code that is operating the page type scroller.

Firebug shows the snippet is located in the following file:


This is the last of 9 sequences loaded after clicking the add page menu item in the sitemap..

On my website that is not functioning, only sequences 1 -7 are being loaded..

The peculiar part is that the first sequence that does not load is sequence 8, which, on the website that works displays the following:
$(function () {ccm_setupAttributeTypeAddressSetupStateProvinceSelector("ccm-attribute-address-15");});

So, on the site that doesn't work, I'm wondering if there is a problem loading this sequence, which then breaks the chain , and precludes the loading of the page type scroller js as well.

Any help?