Confused about popovers

Concrete5 v. 8.5.1 using a Bootstrap 3 based theme

The site I'm building has a few images which will need clickable areas and popovers.

I've managed to get image maps working by using and imageMapResizer.js

I want the popovers to be dismissable, of course, so I used:
so they will disappear on the next click.

Problem 1:
I have read on Bootstrap3 docs that the settings need to be within an <a> tag for cross-browser compliance but digging through the forums I saw an example where the person had simply put the popover settings within the <area> tag of the image map.

so should I be using this:

<a data-content="Map 1 text map 1 text" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" title="MAP 1" ><area shape="rect" coords="494, 171, 699, 284" /></a>

or this:
<area data-content="Map 2 text map 2 text" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" title="MAP 2" shape="rect" coords="30, 171, 211, 284" />

Problem 2:
Positioning of the popovers - I used an HTML block to add the image and corresponding image map. The popovers all appear on the right hand side of the image in a very narrow box. I tried adding data-container="body" in the settings here but it hasn't made any difference.
In my CSS I have this:
    max-width: 100%;

My footer contains:
<!-- Enable popovers -->
    container: 'body'

I've attached 2 .pngs to show what's happening.
I may need to use modals for some of the other images as the amount of content is much more.

Does anyone have any experience of using popovers/modals along with image maps? I'd really appreciate a few pointers.

Many thanks
Allison :)

2 Attachments
