Context menu on mouseover/hover instead of click (in edit mode)


I'm asking this because maybe someone already has done this before or give me hints how to solve this probably.
I would like the context menu ("edit", "copy to scrapbook", "move",...) for each element in the edit mode shows up on mouseover/hover/mouseenter instead of click (which is the current beheavier).
This would make it more obvious (and easier) for a non-tech user (how) to edit content.
This means as soon the user hovers over an element he/she immediately would see the context menu e.g. in the top-left corner of the element. When the user leaves the element (onmouseout) the context menu disappears.

Does someone know how to achieve this? Where to start? Etc.?

Would be thankful for every help!

okhayat replied on at Permalink Reply
Nice idea. Especially for the 'non-techy' guys which I face all the time.