Second Controller method ignored- produces '404'

In the c5 book - Concrete5 Beginner's Guide - there is a package building exercise.

All works well, except I am unable to send a value from one of the controllers to the view. Specifically, the $mode variable in the code below is not being passed to the view.

Also, if i try to access the 'all' method directly via /index.php/dashboard/reports/broken_links/all/ I get a 'Page not found' error.

It seems that the 'all' in the call is being passed to the 'view' method as a parameter

But why??

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
class DashboardReportsBrokenLinksController extends Controller {
   public $helpers = array('form', 'html');
   public function view() {
      Loader::model('broken_links', 'c5book');
      $this->set('mode', 'brokenLinks');
      $this->set('links', BrokenLinks::getBrokenLinks());
   public function all() {
      Loader::model('broken_links', 'c5book');
      $this->set('mode', 'allLinks');
      $this->set('links', BrokenLinks::getAllLinks());      

The Package controller

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
class c5bookPackage extends Package {
     protected $pkgHandle = 'c5book';
     protected $appVersionRequired = '5.4.0';
     protected $pkgVersion = '1.0';
     public function getPackageDescription() {
          return t("Theme, Templates and Blocks from Concrete5 for Beginner's");
     public function getPackageName() {
          return t("c5book");
     public function install() {
      $pkg = parent::install();
      // install link checker job

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you cleared/disabled your cache? if you havn't please try that.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
also, change
class c5bookPackage extends Package {

class C5bookPackage extends Package {
psuadmin replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Good catch on the C5book... Sadly, it did not make a difference.

tried '/index.php/dashboard/reports/broken_links/all/' again with 'Page not found' response.

The attached image shows the directory structure. It seems so right, yet is is failing.

I know I must be missing something very fundamental, so I keep searching.