Converting ul menu into autonav
I have a jquery-driven menu using the standard unordered list coding with nested li tags.
How do I convert this into an autonav?
How do I convert this into an autonav?
Thanks Lucas.
I keep thinking in conventional web development ways rather working from the Dashboard!
I keep thinking in conventional web development ways rather working from the Dashboard!
No problem. If you need further help on this feel free to ask. If my answer was sufficient, please mark it as official in case someone else comes along with the same question. Thanks!
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And then you'll need to have an area on your page type for your menu such as "Header Nav" or "Navigation".
You will add an AutoNav block to that area and it will guide you through creating the proper list structure.
Your jquery should handle the rest, just make sure it's called on your template.
The basics section of the documentation would be a great help here.