Copy concrete5 blog post to website

I installed concrete5 in a subdomain of my website. I want to be able to display blog post and title on another non-concrete5 page of my website. I'm switching from Wordpress to Concrete5 and already do this with Wordpress.
How would I do this with concrete5 blog post?

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi yellowbear,

Does the non-concrete5 website have the ability to read RSS feeds?

If so, you could create an RSS feed for your blog, then display the feed in the non-concrete5 site.

"Provide RSS feed will create a feed URL on this page with the page title, link and short description for people to use with their feed readers."

If you need the full blog post, you might need to make some modifications to how RSS feeds are handled.
yellowbear replied on at Permalink Reply
It's a PHP page that I'd be displaying the blog post on, so I could grab some PHP RSS code for that, provided I can find some which works. I use RSS-Mikle on another of my sites for RSS feeds, I could possibly use that. However, I only want to grab one particular post which RSS-Mikle doesn't do.
My other option, I suppose, is to use an Iframe to display the page. Not optimal, but would work.
The Wordpress solution is to include/require a header.php and then call routines like get_title. However, it looks to me like including/requiring any concrete5 file outside of concrete5 might cause problems, since the first statement checks to make sure you're operating in concrete5. Wordpress solution is less than 10 statements long.
I might be able to figure out something else in PHP, if I can figure out where/how the blog posts are stored. I assume they're in the database somewhere and I'd have to pull the one I want with mysql.