
Permalink 1 user found helpful
At the bottom of my webpage, you can see the Copyright, and the Concrete5 info, etc. - but what if I want to add my organization email address and phone number at the bottom as well? Is that an option?

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
What theme are you using? Can you provide a link to the site?
rhiannagibbs replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm also interested in finding out how to use do this. I'm using Greek yogurt.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
I use a pretty quick override to handle copyright years in things like footers.

I create the folders /blocks/content/templates (the top level /blocks folder will already exist) and in that create I file called 'replacements.php'. (it can be any name you want though)

Then I place in that file the following code:
   defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
   $content = $controller->getContent();
   print str_replace('{YEAR}', date('Y'), $content);

Then on any Content block where I want it to automatically spit out the current date, I'll put in the text {YEAR} as a placeholder and then pick this custom template for the block via clicking on the block, selecting 'Custom Template' and picking the 'Replacements' template.

I like this approach as you can then put the dynamically changing year value anywhere you like in a normal content block.