Count pages with attribute (tag) assigned
how can I retrieve the number of pages that have an attribute (a tag) applied to? In previous version I used this function that in 8.10 seems not working.
how can I retrieve the number of pages that have an attribute (a tag) applied to? In previous version I used this function that in 8.10 seems not working.
public function pageUseCount($optID) { $db = Loader::db(); $q = "select Pages.cID from Pages where cIsActive = 1"; $r = $db->query($q); if ($r) { while ($row = $r->fetchRow()) { $page = Page::getByID($row['cID']); if (gettype($page->getAttribute($this->attributeHandle)) == 'object') { foreach($page->getAttribute($this->attributeHandle) AS $v) { if ($v->ID == $optID) $i[$v->ID][] = true; } } } } return count($i[$optID]);
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