create image thumbnails from multiple files attribute package


I would like to achieve adding more images to a blog post, and for that I have installed the package.

It works really great and supports the composer as well, but the only thing that is causing me trouble like hell, is that I can not manipulate with the images I get. They are only displayed from the following code of the attribute controller of the package :

public function getDisplayValue()
        $html = '';
        $filesValue = $this->attributeValue->getValue();
        if (is_object($filesValue)) {
            $filesArray = $filesValue->getFileObjects();
            if (count($filesArray) > 0) {
                $html .= '<div class="display_multiple_files multiple_files_akID_'.$this->getAttributeKey()->getAttributeKeyID().'">';
                foreach ($filesArray as $file) {
                    /** @var \Concrete\Core\File\File $file */
                    $fv = $file->getRecentVersion();
                    $html .= '<div class="file">';
                        $html .= '<div class="thumb">';
                            $html .= '<a href="'.$fv->getDownloadURL().'" title="'.$fv->getTitle().'">';

What I would like to achieve is, that I would like to fetch the files from the array from the page_attribute and then create/display image thumbnails in correct sizes like I've done here:
$thumbnail = $c->getAttribute("thumbnail");
if (is_object($thumbnail)) {
    $type = \Concrete\Core\File\Image\Thumbnail\Type\Type::getByHandle('medium');
    $image_url = $thumbnail->getThumbnailURL($type->getDoubledVersion());

I just can't figure out how I can do this.. I've tried different things like getting the files from fID, but when I do

But although I get an object, when I try to manipulate it, I get a message that it is null :-(

Can anyone help me achieve getting the array of images and being able to work with them?

All help is VERY appreciated!!
