Creating a c5 site offline
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I need to make a mock-up of a website, but I currently don't have access to the server. I was hoping to make the site with concrete5, but since currently I can't install c5 on the site server, is there any way for me to create a page using a c5 theme without it being online?
does this not work ?
Thanks! Pointing out that I should just use such a stack was a good idea. Being in OS X, I found this:
Works out perfectly!
Works out perfectly!
Heads up if you use WAMP: make certain you enable CamelCase tables in MySQL before you install Concrete5. Otherwise you likely won't be able to migrate the site to a linux server without renaming all the tables. set lower_case_table_names=2 for my.ini
if you forgot to set "lower_case_table_names" properly, check this add-on:
how it works:
how it works:
You can also use Zend Server CE as well if you need a free localhost solution.
Thanks, saved me from having to post the same question.
I haven't touched any sort of web creation stuff since before CCS (Frontpage was still a thing if that gives any indication). Being that rusty I don't trust myself to work in a live setting.
I haven't touched any sort of web creation stuff since before CCS (Frontpage was still a thing if that gives any indication). Being that rusty I don't trust myself to work in a live setting.