Creating a complex xml feed page with php via dashboard.
Hi, i'm in the process of making a package that pulls files out of Google Drive and converts them to a podcast. I will then make some blocks to display the files on the site, but i'm currently bamboozled trying to create a feed page.
I've tried: single pages, tools, src > utilities, anything else I could think of, but can't create a simple page with nothing on bar the xml code i'm generating (below) that is publicly accessible, currently i'm pulling everything in from the dashboard.
Any ideas on how I could create a link to this generated content would be awesome! Thanks in advance.
I've tried: single pages, tools, src > utilities, anything else I could think of, but can't create a simple page with nothing on bar the xml code i'm generating (below) that is publicly accessible, currently i'm pulling everything in from the dashboard.
Any ideas on how I could create a link to this generated content would be awesome! Thanks in advance.
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied."); use Concrete\Package\Drivecast\Src\Drivecast\Utilities\Helper_Drivecast as Drivecast; if(Config::get('drivecast.image')){ $f = \File::getByID(Config::get('drivecast.image')); $im = Loader::helper('image'); $imageSrc = $f->getURL(); $thumbSrc = $im->getThumbnail($f, 220, 220, $f->getTitle(), false, true)->src; } header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo "<?php xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"; ?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:itunes=""> <channel> <title><?= Config::get('drivecast.title') ?></title> <description><![CDATA[<?= Config::get('drivecast.summary') ?>]]></description>
Viewing 15 lines of 48 lines. View entire code block.
Hi Mr KD
Thank you for replying. Im happy to send you over the package so far if you want to see. However essentially...
In dashboard I have a page which takes a bunch of settings and creates a PHP array with all the info i need for the feed.
Then i will created so front end block to display and highlights on the website.
However, what im struggling with is creating an RSS xml feed to submit to iTunes as a podcast. Ideally i want this to be something created automatically from the dashboard rather than someone needing to add a block to a page which may then be moved edited or deleted.
So how to i get an array into a feed in concrete?
Thanks again!
Thank you for replying. Im happy to send you over the package so far if you want to see. However essentially...
In dashboard I have a page which takes a bunch of settings and creates a PHP array with all the info i need for the feed.
Then i will created so front end block to display and highlights on the website.
However, what im struggling with is creating an RSS xml feed to submit to iTunes as a podcast. Ideally i want this to be something created automatically from the dashboard rather than someone needing to add a block to a page which may then be moved edited or deleted.
So how to i get an array into a feed in concrete?
Thanks again!
Ok, so if anyone is wondering, I managed to do this using a job and copying the sitemapxml job, was simple when i thought about it a different way!
How did you get on with creating your podcast in the end? I've been searching for something and not found anything that could help me move away from 5.6.
How did you get on with creating your podcast in the end? I've been searching for something and not found anything that could help me move away from 5.6.
"I've tried: single pages, tools, src > utilities, anything else I could think of, but can't create a simple page with nothing on bar the xml code i'm generating (below) that is publicly accessible, currently i'm pulling everything in from the dashboard."
Can you rephrase this, please.
Also, the more specific details you can offer, even mockup screenshots, the better.