Creating a Preview which allows user to type into a field & preview a sign

I'm quoting for a job for a small sign company that wants to give people a selection of house sign styles that they can select from and then add to a shopping cart and then purchase.

A request is a preview that allows their customers to type in the house name and have it preview on a background graphic to show how it might look when finished. A number plate website has something like this here:

The version I'm talking about would need to allow the user to resize the font to fit and also maybe change font. Has anyone built something like this or could anyone point me to a resource that would allow me see how it could be built?

Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
I did exactly this with 'Flash' a few years ago, worked well.

But now with IOS you might want to look having the background image with a text input on top.

Maybe javascript is the way to go.
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Had any luck?

I struggled to find any of my old files, but then they're no good now anyway.

Found a site that might help, look at the source code and javascript, it might help.