Creating a real estate site without an add-on


I'm going to create a real estate website, but is there a way to create it without using a "Real Estate" add-on. The only problem as i see is "Search Form". So if you can tell me some hints to do it, i'll be appreciated..


JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Assuming each property will be a page, there are several page list filter and page search addons you can use to provide a formalised filter of the properties.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
If you don't want to use any Add-Ons for this you could create a Custom Template for the Search Block to customize the search.

Here is an example that would allow the users to filter the search by Bedrooms (assuming 'cm_community_bedrooms' is your attribute handle and your attribute is a select attribute).

$ak_beds = CollectionAttributeKey::getByHandle('cm_community_bedrooms');
$cont = $ak_beds->getController();
$bedsOptions = $cont->getOptions();   
<select id="beds_select" class="beds_search" name="akID[<?php print $ak_beds->getAttributeKeyID(); ?>][atSelectOptionID][]" >
   <option value=""># of Bedrooms</option>
      $bedsSelected = $_REQUEST['akID'][$ak_beds->getAttributeKeyID()]['atSelectOptionID'];
   } else {
      $bedsSelected = array();
   foreach($bedsOptions as $option){ 
      if(in_array($option->ID, $bedsSelected)){

Each attribute type is a little different for this type of custom search.

Otherwise if you just want a keyword search that searches all of your Page Attributes just check the box for "Content included in sitewide page search index." and the regular search block will pick those up.
memomem replied on at Permalink Reply

I tried your solutions but i get this error when i add custom template to search block:

"Call to undefined method TextAttributeTypeController::getOptions()"

Can there be a mistake that i could make?
memomem replied on at Permalink Reply
Aww, i found it, i thought i could make a list from what users add Locations when they add a real estate property, so it could be dynamic search list.