Creating a user specific, editable area with a savable form.
Hello All,
First, thank you to all who have helped me up until now. I'm kinda at an impasse with setting up the next area of my site.
It is a health and fitness site, and I would like to include an area where members can log in and view their personal information and see their stats improve over time. At the moment I have members log in and are redirected to a page where they can download a bunch of excel sheets that they can enter data and see prgress on their desktops, but I would like some way of being able to do this online. I have followed the dojodesigns how to create member specific pages, but it seems I am limited to one page per group. Although there are not many members on the site, I would like to be able to set up each member to see their own page without having to create a specific group for them.
Also, I cant figure out how to have a page full of editable details that can be saved and shown to display something like a graph or table of information editied by that particular member. Is this something that can be acheived in C5?
Any help would be great.
First, thank you to all who have helped me up until now. I'm kinda at an impasse with setting up the next area of my site.
It is a health and fitness site, and I would like to include an area where members can log in and view their personal information and see their stats improve over time. At the moment I have members log in and are redirected to a page where they can download a bunch of excel sheets that they can enter data and see prgress on their desktops, but I would like some way of being able to do this online. I have followed the dojodesigns how to create member specific pages, but it seems I am limited to one page per group. Although there are not many members on the site, I would like to be able to set up each member to see their own page without having to create a specific group for them.
Also, I cant figure out how to have a page full of editable details that can be saved and shown to display something like a graph or table of information editied by that particular member. Is this something that can be acheived in C5?
Any help would be great.
See my screenshot for example settings for a user editable page. (you'd uncheck the guest view to make them private).
With these settings, a user could log in, and only be able to edit the particular page they have permissions to edit. If you wanted them to be able to upload files, you'd also need to change in the File Manager Permissions some settings (see my second screenshot).
In your case for a fitness site, you could also add permissions to each member page for a trainer group to be able to edit it. You could then go even further and restrict certain areas on each page to be editable by the member and some only by staff.
Two issues I can see with this:
- When a user logs in, there isn't a way for them to reach their allocated page. Using member profiles solves this, but limits you to one page. I think an option would be to use or roll your own redirect script (I'm got one of my own)
- It's a bit fiddly/time consuming to set up new users and pages... it's if you're a concrete5 person and don't have to do it often, but for a client, it's probably a bit much. I'm considering building some dashboard pages to simplify the process since I've wanted this kind of functionality on several sites.