Creating (Accordion) Blocks Dynamically

Hi everyone!

To make my client's life easier I am trying to figure out how to generate blocks dynamically.

I have a job listings page and each job position is an accordion block. The website is German, so go to "Stellenangebote".

Instead of always creating a new accordion block for a new job, is there a way to generate the blocks dynamically from an excel file or a table with title, description and a pdf document?

I am not sure if this is even possible, I am just looking for a direction. Are Express Objects useful for this? I don't fully understand how they work. Unfortunately I am not a PHP expert. I would be very grateful if one of you could help me in any way.

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
What you are asking is a bit more complex than what a quick answer here on the forum could give you.

Express could be useful but you'll still need a little coding.

Maybe you should consider posting to the job board for someone to help you?
monikac replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you, I might post it to the job board then.