Creating duplicate scrapbook items

I know I've done this before but can't remember how. And in the process of trying to figure it out, I think I screwed things up!

I have a scrapbook item that contains a form that's on several pages of my site. I would like to create a page with a similar form, but with a few edits. How do I create a duplicate scrapbook item (the form) and make edits without changing the original?

Also ... while trying to figure this out, I renamed a form, then changed it back to the original and now it disconnected itself from the database entries and says there are none (in the Reports section) and the original form has been removed from all my pages (argh!).

After that, I thought I'd remembered how to do it and went to the form and chose "copy to scrapbook" thinking it would create a new version. I got a new, randomly named version, but the original is gone!

I'm confused.

jodzeee replied on at Permalink Reply
I was able to create a duplicate ... I think the first time I had checked "as an alias" but this time I didn't and it worked.

However, I'm still wondering how I broke the original. If you rename a form, does it break? If so, shouldn't there be a warning?

And is there a way other than a database restore to recover the entries that were lost?