Creating simple textarea block

Is there a way to create a simple textarea block, without using the text editor interface? Something extremely simple, no bells and whistles, just an area for inputting a block of text/paragraphs?

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
not thats premade, you can always take the bbcode helper and just take away the bbcode
cannonf700 replied on at Permalink Reply
In the dashboard you can customize the way the text editor toolbar looks. You should be able to pair it down to the very basics.
msglueck replied on at Permalink Reply
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
There's an HTML block included in concrete5. It's just a big text area that you can add HTML into.

If you want the block to take care of line breaks, etc... without having to add HTML, try download the Markdown block from the marketplace. The syntax is pretty simple and you can add line breaks, etc...
msglueck replied on at Permalink Reply
another good option. I was looking for something to just change the text of a fixed, pre-styled header without allowing the user to mess with HTML. ;)

Used above plain-text-block and patched view.php and scrapbook.php to just include this:

<?php   defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied."); ?>
<?php  echo htmlspecialchars($content); ?>

did the job for me.