Cross-Browser CSS - Experts Needed!


Hi Folks,

been working on styling a scrollbar and the problem Im having is that it is showing up beautifully in Chrome and Safari, but not in FireFox and IE.

Anyone suggest ways in which I can get the style sheet to stick in these browsers?

2BitMarv replied on at Permalink Reply
That's because Chrome and Safari are build up on webkit. IE and Firefox not. IE can be styled in a different but ugly way and firefox won't let you at all. At last: It is no good way to theme OS components and make them look totally different because users have inhabits to look for usual components...but that's another discussion...and there are many of them to find in the www ;-)

greets Marv
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Have a look at how jquery.ui handles cross browser styling. You will have to wade through a lot of css, but learn on the way.