CSS IE headache

Hi All

I am totally bemused by a problem I am having with Browser compatibility and thought I would ask here if anyone has ever had the same problem.

I have a site in development and I usually use Chrome or Firefox while working on sites. I have just tried to view my site in IE9 and the whole thing has slid left. When I look in Chrome, Firefox, Opera or Safari all is OK.

I know it is not a Concrete5 problem but am confused as to what I may have missed CSS wise on this site that would cause this problem but not in any other site I have done.

If anyone could check the site out it is at www.www.reenergise.madeforspace.com...

I know it is going to be something simple and I am going to look foolish but it's driving me nuts.

Happy Easter to all


p.s. Yes I know the nav at the bottom is wonky, working on it :)

Pixelfixer replied on at Permalink Reply
I hope I'm not wasting your time with this, but I had a similar issue quite a while ago, and I believe I solved it by changing my DOCTYPE line to this:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">

Hope this helps
madeforspace replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply.
Sadly no joy.
I have also discovered that when I put the site in edit mode the C5 header goes all screwy.

I am growing a serious dislike of IE.
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Couple things.

1. It looks like you have your header_required element being included before <html>. It should be included within the <head></head> tags of your theme.

2. If that doesn't fix it, try adding

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9" />

somewhere between your <head></head> tags (preferably at the top.)
madeforspace replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi Andrew

Thanks for your reply but neither seems to have fixed it.
You were totally correct about the header_required, head hung in shame here.
I have also cleared the cache and the browser cache too.

It is one of those really frustrating things, works fine in 4 out of 5 browsers.

I am still sure it is a school boy error but I have gone a bit code blind I have looked at it so much :(


Thought I would add a screeny of the C5 header bar problem, I reckon the two problems are connected in some way.
MrsSpringy replied on at Permalink Reply

I don't have IE9 so can't replicate your problem but I've had what sounds like a similiar problem in IE6 before which I fixed by adding text-align: center to the body and then text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; to the wrapper div. Might be worth a shot!

r1digital replied on at Permalink Reply
Just checked your site in IE9 and it's centered some I'm guessing you've fixed it :)
madeforspace replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks to everyone who replied.
The problem is now fixed, I rebuilt the pages.
I am not 100% what it was but my strong suspicion is that it was Java that I had left in to handle the graphics for the buttons in my default.php. Something to do with the <body onload> tag is the hunch but not really got the time to test why fully.

Going to use the method in Remo's C5 for Beginners and use page attributes to assign the button images.
Should have done that from the start really but we live and learn.

Thanks again to all who chipped in ideas.