Custom 404 page

I am having trouble customizing my 404 page, I modified site_theme_paths.php but it comes up with an error when I access the login page, saying that my theme does not include default.php or view.php when they are included. Also, it did not theme these pages at all as well. Have I made the default or view pages wrongly and What php mark-up must they include?

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
you need to put <?php print $innerContent?> where you want the single page content to show up.

only put that in the view.php

or ^ /packages
MattGreyDesign replied on at Permalink Reply
I have put that inside the template in the first place, but it didnt work
MattGreyDesign replied on at Permalink Reply
This does not work because the header and footer are in the template directory. How do I get a custom page_not_found?

<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
$this->inc('elements/header.php'); ?>
<h1 class="error"><?php echo t('Page Not Found')?></h1>
<?php echo t('No page could be found at this address.')?>
<?php  if (is_object($c)) { ?>
   <?php  $a = new Area("Main"); $a->display($c); ?>
<?php  } ?>
<a href="<?php echo DIR_REL?>/"><?php echo t('Back to Home')?></a>.
<?php $this->inc('elements/footer.php');?>
ThemeGuru replied on at Permalink Reply
You have to use the the snippet mentioned by Mnkras and then update the config/site_theme_paths.php file.

Here is the doc link:


Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
what are you doing?

/themes/view.php includes
/themes/elements/header.php and footer.php, so in view.php all you would put is.

<?php defined....blah
print $innerContent
$this->inc('elements/footer.php'); ?>