Custom Attribute: PDF

Is there such thing (or is it straight forward to make) a custom attribute that is a PDF?

I need to make a pdf uploading file section on my site.

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
xaritas replied on at Permalink Reply
The attribute you are looking for is listed as "Image File" in the drop down, because the underlying attribute type handle is "image_file"... it is entirely misleading, because it is really "Image... or any other file."

The system does special handling of images files (thumbnails), but you can add any file, and I set allowed types through permissions.

If the files will be added by users without admin rights, you'll need to build a front end for it, or buy the one mentioned above this post.

I found that the the file handling code was the messiest in the code base, with lots of duplication. Look in concrete/tools/files/importer.php for UI code (there are three modes, single, which you'll probably want, multiple, and incoming) and in concrete/tools/files/importers/*.php for how to handle files from different sources. I can post some other sources if you need more info.