Custom Attributes and their form.php -- When is form.php used vs. display value?
In the article under the "Modify form.php" heading, the author tells us "This file is displayed whenever the attribute type is shown in form form." however, no further mention is given about "form form."
How does one specify when to display your new attribute as being in "form form", rather than what is returned in getDisplayValue() of your custom attribute type class? Is this only achievable through template code rather than the concrete5 gui?
How does one specify when to display your new attribute as being in "form form", rather than what is returned in getDisplayValue() of your custom attribute type class? Is this only achievable through template code rather than the concrete5 gui?
your form can be absolutely anything, heck if you wanted you could utilize the dialog class to give yourself more room to interact(like if you wanted to make a wysiwyg gallery a collection attribute).
Hello sort of related - I have created a custom attribute type which is bound to Collection and User categories, but I have an interesting problem - all of my code that relies on the attribute's presence works but in the Dashboard if you click on Find Users and select a user, it shows blank (attached: finduser.png), but if you go to Edit, it shows the display value, if you click to edit it shows my form.php, edits work.. etc (edituser.png).
Any idea what could be different about the two user management screens, and perhaps what I missed when creating my attribute type? Thanks much! -J
Any idea what could be different about the two user management screens, and perhaps what I missed when creating my attribute type? Thanks much! -J
Nevermind, naming error on my attribute handles
Under "Directory Setup" says:
"Optional: form.php
This file is displayed when the attribute type is being interacted with."
again, no information on how to put your attribute type in interactive mode.