Custom Block Validation.

I am quite new to Concrete5. I am building a custom block for a website and I am following the tutorial on

I manage to save the block and display it, yet I am unable to find the solution to validation. I want to make certain fields required. Event though I can run the validation, using the validator helper, I am unable to display the errors.

joseajohnson replied on at Permalink Reply
Without any more details, like maybe a code sample of your validation, it's hard to say - assuming the validator is loaded and 'errorMsg' and 'emptyIsOk' parameters defined, though, you should be able to grab errors with the following:

if ($val->test()) {
    // proceed...
} else {
    $errorArray = $val->getError()->getList(); 
    $this->set('errorArray', $errorArray); // send array to view (in a single_page for example)

The above is from here:

You could send some invalid input and shoot it out immediately with

if your just looking to see what goes on, or
$errorHtml = $val->getError()->output(); 
echo $errorHtml;

to get some pretty HTML formatted results.
$errorHas = $val->getError()->has();

is a boolean reporting the presence of errors overall.

Hope this helps!
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
you could use javascript, take a look at how some of the existing blocks do validation
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
jaconel007 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the link. It was exactly what I was looking for. Got the validation hooked up in less than 5 mins.

Thank you for all the replies, very helpfull.