Custom blog index page

Hey, how i can hardcode the blog index page? I googled after it, but i was not found any working sample. Can somebody help me out?

Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
Could you clarify what your trying to do ? Hardcode it in what way ?
Monti replied on at Permalink Reply
I tried similar like this, but want to add a view to to theme, not to the blocks folder or the core, like i creating a view/block_index.php inside the mytheme directory or something. Or if theres an other way, like to make a loop of the blog posts inside a layout file in my theme root. For example:
<div class="container">
<?php foreach ($blog_posts as $post): ?>
<article id="post-<?php echo $post->id ?>">
<h3><?php echo $post->title ?></h3>
<p><?php echo $c->summarize_or_something(128, $post->content, 'Click here for more...')?></p>
<?php endforeach; ?>