Custom checkout message only to customers shipping to certain countries?

Hi there-

I'm not sure how to go about this at all, but is there a way to make a special message during checkout that only shows to customers shipping to countries outside the US and Canada?

We don't include power supplies with our products to other countries, and I was wondering if there was a way to have this message show up during checkout. It would be even better if the customer had to click to acknowledge that they read it.

Otherwise, I'll just put a check box for all orders that states "I am aware that IF I am shipping to a country other than the US or Canada, I will not receive a power supply and will need to supply my own." But I'd like to avoid this - as I think it might cause confusion to our US/Canada customers.

I'm using core commerce. Thank you for any leads!

TooqInc replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure if you;ve solved your problem yet, but you might have some luck with this add-on:
but you may have to dig into some of the code to re-purpose it.
dbrimm replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there - no, we haven't solved this issue. That's an awesome add-on, but I don't think it would work for us.

I appreciate your response!
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Zone Based Shipping can provide a short customised message by zone or even by shipping band.

But I expect it all depends on whether you need any of Zone Based Shipping's other capabilities to make it worthwhile.
dbrimm replied on at Permalink Reply
Oh, hmm - I just bought Regional Shipping... I'll have to look into Zone Based Shipping again now - I don't remember why I chose the other one over Zone Based.

Thanks for the info!
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
If you just want a fixed price per region, then regional shipping is cheaper and, without the additional capabilities of ZBS, easier to set up.