Custom display of auto nav items using permissions
I've made my own single pages for login and registration. Now, I want these items to show in the Auto Nav for Guests, but not if you're logged in. The problem is, when I set permission to Guest for these pages, the rest of the usergroups seems to inherit these permissions, which means that the Login and Register-items will be displayed even if you're logged in as either regular user or admin.
What is the best way to hide these items when logged in?
I've made my own single pages for login and registration. Now, I want these items to show in the Auto Nav for Guests, but not if you're logged in. The problem is, when I set permission to Guest for these pages, the rest of the usergroups seems to inherit these permissions, which means that the Login and Register-items will be displayed even if you're logged in as either regular user or admin.
What is the best way to hide these items when logged in?