custom form submission emailing values

I have a form built that consists of checkboxes. I want to gather the values of those checked and send an email to an email address with the key value pairs.

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to use Concrete5 functionality to do this.

Using form helper to build the form.
<code><?php echo $form->checkbox('image_interest', $img->title, false); ?></code>

<code><?php echo $form->submit('submit', 'Send Interest', array('style' => ' clear: both;'), 'interest-button'); ?></code>

I'm thinking I need to use the block_form_submission but not sure how to call it. Also would like the email to go to a specific email address.

Questions: What email is used to advise of form submissions? How do I use Captcha in a custom form? How do I use the block_form_submission to send the results of my form to an email address.

Want the email to be something like

Interest submissions:
Key 1: Value 1
Key 2: Vaule 2



planist1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Not sure if this will help or not, but the Advanced Forms addon is excellent. Might be worth a look.