Unable to customize maintenance_mode page: fatal error result

Hi everyone out there!

Here I come with another issue about customizing C5 sites.
I've tried to customize the Maintenance Mode Page and after trying it for many times, I'm afraid I'm doing something wrong but can't find out what is it.

The only message I see on my screen is the following:

Fatal error: Call to a member function getCollectionAttributeValue() on a non-object in /var/www/vhosts/eduardozapirain.com/httpdocs/concrete/elements/header_required.php on line 27

I've followed all the steps I did on another C5 installations, all of them where versions prior to This is the first site on which I've installed the latest version.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance!

jordif replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Pepe!

This is weird, might be a bug?

Anyway I'd suggest using the following add-on:


It's free and has more options than the default Maintenance Mode.

Hope it helps!

pepefernandez replied on at Permalink Reply
Hola Jordi!

Yes. I'm convinced it's a bug. On previous versions of C5 it worked wonderfully. Even with my limited knowledge of HTML, some PHP intuition and some CSS I was aable to do some pretty stuff.

I'll try that Add-On!!!


P.D. Veo que la com,unidad Hispana no funciona mucho. es más; he descargado la última traducción de C5 desde el grupo Holandés (https://www.concrete5dutch.nl/translations/concrete5-traduccin-espaol/).
Es más, los enlaces a los foros y grupos en Español no funcionan; ¿Sabes algo de esto?. ¡¡Gracias y saludos desde Galicia!
jordif replied on at Permalink Reply
Hola Pepe!

Pues sí, es una lástima, creo que la iniciativa de la comunidad hispana surgió el año pasado, pero no ha prosperado...

En cuanto a las traducciones, yo las descargo de:https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/concrete5/...

Cualquier cosa ya sabes! Saludos desde Cataluña (el nombre me delata, no?)

pepefernandez replied on at Permalink Reply
Ja, ja, ja ,ja, ja!!!
No!!! ¡¡Qué va!!!! Es como mi nombre, que todo el mundo cree que soy de Kazajistán, fundamentalmente por el apellido!.

Gracias por la respuesta!.

Keep n' touch!
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Without knowing what you did, it's impossible to know what could be wrong. Could you explain things a bit more detail. 5.6 introduced some differences but line #27 of 'header_required.php' is just looking for the 'Meta Title' attribute which shouldn't be an issue.
pepefernandez replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Mhawke;

Yes, of course. What I did, in first place, was to create a custom Maintenance Mode message with a custom design, based on the template I'm working on.

The next step I took after deciding that the design was OK, was modifying the _root > config > site_theme_paths.php file; I followed, as always, the instructions given; after receiving the Error alert, I checked If I had forgotten to include a view.php file into my theme folder, and of course I had done.

I managed to customize just the text of the maintenance_mode page, but not its design. So in order to use it I can't include its path into the site_theme_path.php file.

It only works to me with the default core design.

Sorry for my bad english!!
