Custom page type won't use custom template

I've created a custom template in my theme's directory called homeslider.php.

After running Inspect on the theme, it detects the new page template and creates a page type for it.

However, when I use that page type for a page, it doesn't use the custom template. Instead, it's using the default.php template. It still shows that it's using the Homeslider template under the Design window.

I see no errors/messages regarding this within Concrete5. Anyone else have this issue? Running Concrete5 version

ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm confused with this line: "After running Inspect on the theme, it detects the new page template and creates a page type for it."

What does Inspect mean here? You need to add a page type called "homeslider", And assign it to the page.

jplhomer replied on at Permalink Reply

Thanks for the reply. I'm referring to the step in the process of installing a new theme, where you have the option to Inspect the theme. The inspector checks for any custom templates and offers to automatically create the page types for them (as seen on this page:

I've also tried to bypass the Inspect function and manually add the page type through the traditional method. However, the pages assigned to that new page type still use default.php as the template.
ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
If possible PM me the site link & login access. Also the page name where you implement the page type.

jplhomer replied on at Permalink Reply

I was able to solve the problem by deleting all the blocks on the page, changing the page design back to a standard template, and then switching it to the desired template.

That was frustrating.
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Just a thought... It might be as simple the old page being cached somewhere along the line. I know when I first started developing with C5, I was extremely frustrated that my changes weren't showing up until I turned off ALL the caching everywhere. Now I have turned off all C5 caching and I have turned off all the cache(s) in all my browsers. In Chrome, it can be particularly hard to turn off the cache but there are command line parameters you can add to the shortcut that starts Chrome to turn off it's cache completely.

This might not be what was wrong with your page type issue but I've run into situations similar to your case that were caused by caching so I thought I would pipe in.
jplhomer replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the suggestion – I've run into similar issues with caching. It's always the last thing I think about, too... "Shoot, I should try clearing the cache!"

You live and you learn, I guess!
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
That's why I set it up so all the caching is always turned off. Sometimes I walk to the garage and forget why I walked to the garage so how does anyone expect me to remember to clear my cache!
ZachryAssociates replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you so much! That solved my similar problem instantly!