Custom Rate Database

Hi there, does anyone know if there is a rate database add on for concrete5? I am looking to have bank rates displayed on multiple pages but only have to go into one place to make the update. The rates sometimes appear within context so ideally looking to just add a piece of inline code on the html side of the editor to draw in the results.

Any info is much appreciated, thank you.

PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
The closest thing to this would be the "Tokens" addon. It allows you to create site-wide variables that can be displayed anywhere on your site.

Hope that helps.
tdgbrendan replied on at Permalink Reply
This is great thank you it is right along the line of what i am looking for!
tdgbrendan replied on at Permalink Reply
does tokens have the ability to use the approval process so that the change does not go into effect right away?
PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure how deeply integrated it is with the workflow system. However, I do believe you can make each token be active or not active.

Also, when adding the tokens via content to the front-end, I am sure that will work just fine with the workflow process.