Custom template for autonav

Hi. I want to create new template for autonav. Structure of site is:

Now i want a navigation bar in sample page. Which shows parent page (product1) and then all the subpage in that category for example : i.e (product1 , sample1, sampl2).
Can any one help me out.

WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Reply
you can use a new autonav, choose to 'Begin Auto Nav' with the products page and set it to display all child pages.
catchanil replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Andy.... Im new to concrte5 can you explain me how to do it.... Any in built class is there for this ??
WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Reply
You can add a new auto nav block to an area of your page and select the various settings.

Which version of Concrete5 are you using?
catchanil replied on at Permalink Reply
Im currently using version. I can change individual settings. This will be default addition for the page. Different pages have different parent page.