Custom Template?

Hallo together,

i've a little problem. I'm layouting a new site but there is one thing i don't know how i should do that. (-> Attachment)

Could someone tell me how i've to solve it?

Thanks a lot and best regards


1 Attachment

andrenagusch replied on at Permalink Reply
   defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
   $content = $controller->getContent();
<div class="cb_top">
   <img src="images/contentboxes/cb_top_01.png" />
<div class="cb_content">
   <?php echo $content; ?>   
<div class="cb_bottom">
   <img src="images/contentboxes/cb_bottom_01.png" />

This code I pasted into: /blocks/content/template/column1_box
and named this file: leftbox.php

I know, in older versions there was no problem. I select a box and click on "custom template". I get a message: "no custom templates available" ... or something like that...

