Custom TinyMCE Options per User Group

I would like editors to a site I'm designing to have a very restrictive set of options in TinyMCE editor. I have it set up nicely using "System settings > Rich Text Editor" selecting custom setup and removing the options I wanted to restrict.

However I would like this setup to only apply to the Editor User Group I have set up for the client to edit with. I would still like to have still a full set of TinyMCE options when I edit the site logged in as an admin.

Any suggestions on how to set this up?

Mainio replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
1. Copy /concrete/blocks/content/editor_config.php to /blocks/content/editor_config.php
2. Modify that file to your needs (do some group magic there)

For getting the group of the current user:
global $u;
if ($u->inGroup(Group::getByName('Editors')) {
  // bada bing
} else {
  // chandler bing
ElwoodP replied on at Permalink Reply
Fantastic thanks a million Mainio worked a treat.
Just to help anyone else that uses this you missed out a closing parentheses. Should be:

global $u;
if ($u->inGroup(Group::getByName('Editors'))) {
  // bada bing
} else {
  // chandler bing