Customisation question

I am probably posting this in the wrong place, so please accept my apologies in advance. Our small charitable organisation has just launched a new website, and the developer to whom we contracted the Concrete work (actually, it was an ex-employee who found this developer and now I'm left to clean up the mess...but that's another story!) is unwilling/unable to provide us with documentation as to the customisations he has made. I do not plan to use this developer again so am concerned that any future modifications will be costlier than they should, if a new developer has to spend a fair bit of time investigating our particular setup.

My question is, how difficult is it for a new developer to step in to make modifications on customised modules without documentation? I realise this may be a difficult question to answer, as it depends on the level of customisation (and ours is probably low compared to most sites), but any general help and guidance anyone could provide me would be most appreciated.

Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
If its just the looks that have been customized than very easily, if its the function than still pretty easy as long as they are not custom made add-ons.
Panda36 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ekko, many thanks for the quick reply. I don't think we have any custom modules, so your response has given me some hope!
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
One really strong point about concrete5 is there is a definite pattern to overriding functionality.

Nearly all of the top level folders in a concrete5 site are empty by default (everything but concrete, config, files and maybe updates), so if there is anything in those top level folders, it's going to be some kind of override and easy to spot.

Another thing a new developer can do is go to in the dashboard: /index.php/dashboard/system/environment/info/
In the text that comes up for environment is a section that shows what has been overridden.

So as long as the original developer didn't incorrectly edit files in the /concrete folder, it should be pretty straightforward for another developer to work out what has been modified.
Panda36 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah, very glad to read your response as well, mesuva. Looks like things might not be as bad as I had feared. Also glad to see that these forums are so active and helpful!