Customize error message in e-commerce

Hi everyone.

I am new to concrete5, with a little experience in coding. I have my site running almost perfect but my client wants a couple of changes.

The one I am having an issue with at the moment is customizing the error message when adding a product to the cart.
eg: if I have 10 dvd's in stock but try to order 12 it tells the client "Not enough stock to complete your request.
Available stock is 10".
I would like to change it to say "the maximum order for this product is (stock availsble)."

Any ideas out there?

webmanics replied on at Permalink Reply
Nevermind I found it all. :)
87up replied on at Permalink Reply

How did you do it ?

I have edited the controllers/cart.php line 105. But nothing happens.

Even if I delete the file the same error message shows up.

Please help. :)
atlantisdigital replied on at Permalink Reply
Please share, i would also find it useful to change this message :)